The Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Plan is a road map for progress in achieving the outcomes that lead to positive and enduring change for children and families. The PFCE Plan was developed in partnership with staff, families, and partners in order to promote parent and family engagement and children’s learning and development.
Parent and family engagement is about building relationships with families that support family well-being, strong relationships between parents and their children, and ongoing learning and development for both parents and children. This plan incorporates how our agency can work together to promote parent and family engagement and children’s learning and development.
We have identified seven (7) outcomes for staff, families, and partners. These include:
- Family Well-Being
- Parent-Child Relationships
-Families as Lifelong Educators
-Families as Learners
-Family Engagement in Transitions
-Family Connections to Peers and Community
-Families as Advocates and Leaders
To assist staff, families, and partners in achieving outcomes, there are seven program foundations and impact areas that can be integrated into the activities. These include:
-Program Leadership
-Professional Development
-Family Partnerships
-Community Partnerships
-Continuous Program Involvement
-Program Environment
-Teaching and Learning
Each outcome is listed and defined. Each outcome is supported by strategies aligning to program foundations and impact areas.

Parent, Family, Community, Engagement Results
Bradford-Tioga Head Start's Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Mission: Bradford-Tioga Head Start is committed to building relationships with families that support family well-being, strong relationships between parents and their children, and ongoing learning and development for both parents and children.
We have been working with each of you throughout the program year to continue to build strong healthy relationships with you, your child and our surrounding community. The chart shows that there were gains in all areas out of the six assessed; The gains show accomplishments throughout each the areas assessed. We completed three assessments to gather the information provided throughout the program year.