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Bradford-Tioga Head Start, Inc. offers high quality early childhood education programming for pregnant women, infants, and children up to the age of five years old. All programming is provided to families at no cost; it’s FREE.

Services for pregnant women, infants, and children to the age of three years old, known as Early Head Start, offers in-home services. A home visitor, called a Family Partner, visits the family every week for at least one and one-half hours. During the visit, the family is offered services in education, health, nutrition, and social services based on the individual needs of the family. The program shares information about child development, parenting, and family goals and teaches parents/caregivers how to help their children learn new skills.

Preschool services are offered through Head Start and PA Pre-K Counts for children ages 3 to 5 years old (up to Kindergarten age eligibility). Most classrooms are open five days a week for 5 ½ hours each day for 180 days a year, August to June. The well-structured program is built around activities to foster school readiness for children. The small class size and high staff to children ratio (3:17) gives children many opportunities to work one on one with their teaching staff; teachers have college degrees and staff are highly trained according to governmental regulations. Children actively participate in areas such as math, literacy, writing, social studies, art, and self-help skills. Nutritious breakfasts/snacks and lunches are served daily. Children in specific geographic areas are transported in buses. All children receive developmental, speech, language, dental, vision, and medical screenings with needed follow-up. Outdoor play time is provided every day on our up-to-date, state-of-the-art playgrounds, where safety is always first!

Each program offers parents a support network with staff and other parents. Socialization opportunities are scheduled as well as education and trainings so that parents can talk with other parents, gain education in parenting areas, and learn new skills. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in establishing practices for the program, hiring staff that work with their children, and evaluating the program. Bradford-Tioga Head Start, Inc. helps parents be the best they can be; we empower children and families for the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Join us now for FREE quality programming by calling 570-638-1400.